Cope with difficult transitions, prevent exhaustion and burnout
Our mission is to fight human exhaustion
CREDIR is a NGO whose research and various actions aim to fight human exhaustion in order to prevent and repair the imbalances in your life.

The instigator of the GQL method (Global Quality of Life)
For more than 10 years, with a solid team of researchers, doctors, business leaders, sport coaches and volunteers, we have built an innovative pedagogy: the Global Quality of Life (GQL).
The GQL method is based on the analysis of health, but also on taking in consideration the Quality of Life at Work (QLW) and improving it.
You are an individual
The paths of life are sometimes full of pitfalls. Quite often, it is necessary to convert situations of deep discouragement or exhaustion into the reconquest of a personal balance.
You want to bounce back?
You are looking for solutions?
You are a company
Let’s act for the human capital of your structure during and after this pandemic because many situations will never be like they were before!
The QLW (Quality of Life at Work) is no longer enough! Let’s save the value of your human capital by protecting the Professional Social Link (#PSL).
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